Why Video Marketing is an important marketing element to be considered in 2022?

November 16, 2022

Video marketing is one of the newest additions to the marketing toolbox and has brought a revolution for marketers as well as businesses.

Businesses are now considering video marketing an integral part of their Digital marketing strategy and for good ROI. This trend is fueling the rapid rise of video marketing benefits, and sooner it will achieve new heights.

Is it worth considering video marketing for all businesses? Yes, it is because it is one of the most versatile and profitable marketing tools out there.

A high-quality video leaves your viewers with an amazing impression and helps in discovering high website traffic, and leads to making your brand more recognizable in the market.

Below are some Video Marketing Benefits listed for your business-

Dive into the 2nd largest search engine

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world after Google, and most potential buyers are searching for product information, services, and reviews. Using marketing videos for businesses in this space develops strategic opportunities to showcase products and services to a vast range of audiences in one short period.

For More Sales and Conversions
Studies show that product conversions increase by 78% when a video is placed in a customer’s decision-making journey and 74% of users who watched product or service videos made their purchases.

Adding a video can lead directly to sales and revenue, so it’s better to start crafting your product into social video marketing now!

Videos offer more Engagement
Video marketing is one single platform that offers a strong response as compared to other forms of promotion. The era has now evolved to the point where most interested consumers are spending more time watching a video than reading an article on the same topic because the video makes it possible for viewers to more easily visualize the company’s product and services compared to extracting the information contained within them. So for a more lasting impression on your target audience, simply shift your gear to the social video marketing part.

Complex Product Awareness
Products are not simple sometimes, so to un code their complexity, it’s essential that your audience fully understands the product before making their purchase decision.
An explainer video allows you to showcase your product and its problem-solving solutions to potential customers. If your product also needs an introduction to your customers, then, video marketing is the tool you must have. As per a report, more than 73% of website visitors are more likely to purchase after watching a product video, be it an explainer or a review video.

Make the most of the platform by understanding how Video content fits into the buyers’ journey and how promoting a video on different social media channels works.

Rank Higher in the Search Engine

YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. So adding videos to a website can significantly increase the search rankings on YouTube searches. This makes the effort well worth it—especially when 75% of people don’t move forward from that first page results.

So adding informative videos to the website increases your chances of ranking on the first page of organic Google results.

The Facts and Figures

YouTube is the most popular video-sharing platform, with 89% of its users using it in 2022. Facebook is second with 70 percent occupancy.

By 2023, 86% of the global internet traffic will come from video streaming and downloads.

Studies show that 54% of consumers want to see more video content from a brand or business they support.

Nearly 80% of consumers claim that they made their purchase decision after being influenced by a brand’s video and social media.

A 66% increase in qualified leads per year after using Video Marketing for Businesses.

88% of business owners are satisfied with the ROI of their video marketing efforts on social media.

Without a doubt, video content is the main medium of the audience’s choice.

So why not serve the audience what they want?

Knowing the key needs of your customers is a key element of a successful business, and the effectiveness of video marketing is even more astonishing. If you also want to dive into this big pool of video marketing for your business, Uniconserve is the best place where you can find a solution to your customer needs and convince potential and existing customers through video marketing.

The Different Types of Video Marketing services you can get from Uniconserve are:

Demo Videos
Brand Videos
Expert Interviews
Professional Video Editing
Educational or How-To Videos
Explainer Videos
Animated Videos
Case Studies
User Testimonial Videos

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